Monthly Archives: March 2025

Understanding Legionella Risks in Spa Pools: A Guide for Owners

Understanding Legionella Risks in Spa Pools: A Guide for Owners Are you a spa pool owner? Do you know about the risks of Legionella and other infectious agents that could be present? It’s crucial to understand these risks to keep yourself, your family, and your guests safe. This post will help you navigate the key […]

Understanding Spa Pool Regulations: A Legal Perspective

Understanding Spa Pool Regulations: A Legal Perspective Operating a spa pool involves more than just maintaining water quality. It also requires adhering to specific legal regulations designed to protect the health and safety of users. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) provides guidance that highlights the legal obligations of spa pool owners and operators. The […]

Risk Assessment for Spa Pools: A Step-by-Step Guide

Risk Assessment for Spa Pools: A Step-by-Step Guide Conducting a thorough risk assessment is vital for anyone managing or operating a spa pool. This process helps identify potential hazards and implement appropriate control measures to protect the health and safety of users. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) stresses that “the dutyholder is responsible for […]

The Importance of Water Quality in Spa Pools

The Importance of Water Quality in Spa Pools Maintaining high-quality water in spa pools is critical for both enjoyment and health. Poor water quality can not only make your spa experience unpleasant, but also create an environment where harmful bacteria can thrive. The HSE guidance emphasizes that “water in spa pools should be free from […]

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