Category Archives: Blogpool

Unlocking the Secrets to Pristine Water in Your Swimming Pool or hot tub

Unlocking the Secrets to Pristine Water in Your Swimming Pool Maintaining the crystalline allure of your swimming pool and banishing debris may seem like a Herculean task, but fear not! Armed with the right knowledge, tools, and strategies, you can effortlessly transform pool maintenance from a daunting chore into a breeze. Join me as we […]

Help my swimming pool is green with algae

We are all concerned what we might find when we pull back that winter cover in the spring, the dark green pool of algae is the greatest fear. But dont worry, with the right chemicals it can be turned clear blue in no time. Here is what we do when we are on site dealing […]

Why should I use chlorine tablets

Chlorine Tablets are a widely used water disinfectant which kills most viruses and bacteria in water. They can also be used for the treatment of drinking water. These water purification tablets can be used to disinfect water for cleaning and washing fruits and vegetables. Chlorination of water is one of the worldwide-accepted methods of disinfection […]

7 common problems encountered owning a swimming pool

Having a pool is lots of fun, but it can come with it’s fair share of problems too. If you experience any issues with your swimming pool, don’t worry, it’s just one of those things that happens. Maintaining a chemical balance is crucial to keeping your pool safe and sparkling. Take a look at the […]


Did you know the world’s biggest backyard swimming pool is in the Houston area? Just exit 59 South for El Campo, Texas, and there it is! The world’s largest residential pool is sandwiched between farmland and pastures and has become the talk of the close-knit town. It looks like an oversized public pool, and it […]

Pool water may be safer to drink than tap water

Many think of swimming pools as big tubs of chemical water. However, the fact is that tap water can often have more chlorine than pool water because tap water is allowed to have higher levels of chlorine in it. Pool water often doesn’t have any more chlorine than ordinary tap water, given that the pool chemicals are […]

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