AquaSPArkle Spa Sparkle is a clarifier in liquid form that is used to make spa water look crystal clear. Spa Sparkle is added directly to the spa water with the pump running. Once applied it collects small particles and binds them together making larger particles that are much easier for the filter to remove. It is compatible with all types of filtration systems.
More info:
AquaSPArkle Spa Sparkle Key Features/Characteristics Liquid Clears cloudy water For adding lustre and clarity to spa water Spa Sparkle is a highly effective spa water polisher that collects small particles together for removal by the cartridge. Application Instructions
1. Apply this product directly to your spa water whilst the spa pump(s) are turned ?on? to aid distribution.
2. Spas treated for murky water may require cartridges to be cleaned a week after treatment.)
3. When Spas become saturated with dissolved solids (TDS) then AquaSPArkle Spa Sparkle may become less effective. At this stage the spa water should be changed. Dose rates Water Volumes Litres Gallons Initial Dose 1,000 220 50ml 1,500 330 75ml Weekly top up 25ml 38ml
Stock note: In an effort to provide the quickest possible delivery for our customers we may ship an alternative premium branded product if stocks are low. These brands will only be Blue Horizons, Deep Blue Pro, Relax or Swim Fresh, all established for a long time in the water treatment industry.
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