This algaecide will prevent and control algae growth in your swimming pool and hot tub. For best results use a strong initial dose and then topup weekly.:
Application instructions:
Prior to using this product, adjust the pH levels to the ideal range of 7.2 ? 7.6.:
If visible signs of algae are present on the liner brush them off.:
Ensure the free chlorine level is within 1-3mg/l (ppm). If heavy algae is present shock dose the pool to a free chlorine level of 5mp/l(ppm).:
Add to the water whilst the pump(s) are turned ‘on’, preferably near to the water inlets to aid distribution.:
After the initial dose apply a weekly dose to maintain the pool.:
Dosing rates::
Hot tub: 1,000 litres (220 Gallons) of water ? add 15ml for algae removal, 8ml for the initial dose and 2ml for a weekly dose.:
Small pool 40,000 litres (8800 Gallons) of water – add 600ml for algae removal, 300ml for the initial dose and 60ml for a weekly dose.:
Medium pool 60,000 litres (13200 Gallons) of water – add 900ml for algae removal, 450ml for the initial dose and 90ml for a weekly dose.:
RosieSq –
ne teinte pas leau,bien assimil par les cichlids fonctionne avec ditributeur de nourriture idal pour les poisson dit brouteur
Colin D. –
Excellent product
MisterO –
Ils aiment beaucoup tous les poissons, en particulier les poissons de fond xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
MisterO –
Ils aiment beaucoup tous les poissons, en particulier les poissons de fond xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tim R. –
40 stars
A Humphreys –
40 stars
Ayhan –
Les gusta mucho a todos los peces especialmente a los de fondo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Bruno Correa –
non tinge lacqua, ben assimilata dai ciclidi funziona con il ditributore alimentare ideale per i pesci detto grazer
ann-marie –
Fish love them, a lot better for the tank than flakes as they dont turn to mush. Great value for money compared to high street pet retailers.
M. N. Hart –
30 stars