This algaecide will prevent and control algae growth in your swimming pool and hot tub. For best results use a strong initial dose and then topup weekly.:
Application instructions:
Prior to using this product, adjust the pH levels to the ideal range of 7.2 ? 7.6.:
If visible signs of algae are present on the liner brush them off.:
Ensure the free chlorine level is within 1-3mg/l (ppm). If heavy algae is present shock dose the pool to a free chlorine level of 5mp/l(ppm).:
Add to the water whilst the pump(s) are turned ‘on’, preferably near to the water inlets to aid distribution.:
After the initial dose apply a weekly dose to maintain the pool.:
Dosing rates::
Hot tub: 1,000 litres (220 Gallons) of water ? add 15ml for algae removal, 8ml for the initial dose and 2ml for a weekly dose.:
Small pool 40,000 litres (8800 Gallons) of water – add 600ml for algae removal, 300ml for the initial dose and 60ml for a weekly dose.:
Medium pool 60,000 litres (13200 Gallons) of water – add 900ml for algae removal, 450ml for the initial dose and 90ml for a weekly dose.:
aneliaime –
Pas mal, mais mes poissons ne le mangent pas, cela montre quil naime rien, les poissons de mes autres aquariums sils le mangent bien, des scalaires et des ttras, mais bien sr ils mangent tout, jai achet le grand bateau de 10L et le poisson pour lequel je lai achet ne le mange pas.
anthony gilbert –
Does the job just fine
George B –
It does what they say
David Laine –
Review of Deep Blue Pro Algae 95g T090
thierry –
Produit convenant parfaitement mon attente et livr dans les plus bref dlais.
Theresea –
Producto perfectamente adaptado a mis expectativas y entregado en el menor tiempo posible.
Bryngo2 –
good discus food
Gutes Produkt zum fairen Preis
Gutes Produkt zum fairen Preis
Vilma –
A loro piace molto a tutti i pesci, in particolare i pesci di fondo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx